TRISON GAMES is here to enhance experiences

Play has been central to how we learn and comprehend the world around us, and how we connect, not only as humans, but also to concepts and ideas, enabling us to use emotional reactions to drive real meaning and understanding.

Technology has a key role to play in enhancing how we play, and over the past few years, the ability to use play within retail, entertainment and hospitality environments has started to really make a difference in converting them into more than just commercial spaces - rather, connecting people to brands, helping them learn, reducing negative perceptions and delivering positive shared experiences which live long in the memory and are part of the new customer experiences on offer today.

The TRISON Games studio has been working with brands across the world, delivering these gamification experiences, specifically focused on the physical spaces and places, using custom designed digital surfaces, mixed reality, virtual reality and companion mobile experiences to augment these brand and hospitality spaces.

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25 Jan 2024